Zilola Khashimova
Zilola Khashimova, MD, MBA, SP
Assistant Professor; MS Physician Assistant Studies Program, Dominican University of California

Dr. Zilola Khashimova is a medical doctor specializing in Obstetrics-Gynecology and Laparoscopic Surgery with experience in Family Medicine. She has taught medical students and residents for over 15 years as a part of teaching hospital and Physician Assistant students for the last 5 years at Francis Marion University and Dominican University of California. Dr. Khashimova has several peer-reviewed publications in medical journals. She has experience presenting at conferences, trainings, and seminars, and is certified in Hospital Administration, Ovarian Failure, Oncology, and Ultrasound Diagnostics.

Dr. Khashimova was awarded the distinction of Honorary Faculty Fellow at Dominican. She is a member of the South Carolina Ob/Gyn Society, the European Society of Gynecology (ESG), the Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA), and the European Women's Management Development International Network (EWMD).  She has an MBA from Francis Marion University, is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma honor society and is certified as a Strategic Planner.
