Diana McMahon, MSN, RN, OCN
Director for Professional Practice, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center-James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute
Diana has over 30 years of nursing clinical and leadership experience in the oncology acute and outpatient settings. Passionate about nursing resilience and compassionate patient care, she has focused the last decade of her career on advancing nursing practice and is currently the Director for Professional Practice at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center - James Cancer Hospital. Completing the DNP program at the OSU College of Nursing in 2021, she facilitated the implementation and evaluation of this evidence-based resilience program, providing a timely intervention for staff while advancing this vital topic to support nursing practice pre and post-pandemic.
This presentation will share an evidence-based program implementation aimed to increase nurses' resilience and decrease the symptoms of burnout. The results suggests that a short program intervention with structured follow-up can improve resilience and decrease burnout.