Jacqueline Caputo, BS
Clinical Research Coordinator for Dr. Maryanna Klatt's mindfulness research lab
Jacqueline Caputo attended Ohio State University for her undergraduate degree in Neuroscience and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in May 2020. She has accepted a position to begin in the fall for Ohio State University's masters degree in Public Health focusing on Health Behavior and Health Promotion. Professionally, she is the Clinical Research Coordinator for Dr. Maryanna Klatt's mindfulness research lab where she focuses on the analysis of data for different populations (sickle cell patients, healthcare professionals, college students) who utilize mindfulness for stress and pain reduction.
This abstract focuses on healthcare professionals bringing awareness to their breath as a result of participating in the Mindfulness in Motion program at Ohio State University. The team evaluated how useful participants felt emphasizing their breath and practicing breath techniques was and the impact it could have on burnout and well-being.