Kevin Grigsby, MSW, DSW
Senior Director, Member Organizational Development at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
R. Kevin Grigsby facilitates development of a future-oriented perspective for leaders in academic medicine and science. He helps leaders to align organizational resources with missions and unify the clinical, academic and research enterprises in academic health systems. This approach has demonstrated success in breaking down barriers that typically separate academic departments and in reducing traditional barriers between employees and managers.
Grigsby promotes effective interpersonal communication within academic health systems and helps organizations implement conflict resolution strategies at the department and institutional levels. He advocates for promoting faculty and staff participation in organizational decision-making processes. He has been instrumental in creating and leading career development programs for interim leaders, aspiring leaders, associate deans and department chairs.
Grigsby and his team offer campus-based technical assistance to improve organizational and leadership performance at medical schools and teaching hospitals. These efforts include improving organizational diversity and inclusion and promoting equity in the distribution of resources and rewards.
Grigsby is the author of more than 100 journal articles, book chapters and other publications, including three books. In 2016, Grigsby and his colleague William T. Mallon, Ed.D, coauthored Leading: Top Skills, Attributes, and Behaviors Critical for Success. In 2017, Mallon and Grigsby coauthored Recruiting: Proven Search and Hiring Practices for the Best Talent. Both books are part of the AAMC Successful Department Chair series.