Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga

Oct. 22, 2020

Vinyasa is a flowing sequence of specific asanas coordinated with the movement of breath.

For today’s presentation, we will start with meditation and Pranayama (breathing exercises). Meditation practice is said to help regulate our thoughts and to bring down your anxiety level. Studies show that unchecked anxiety levels cause havoc in our body and Meditation acts as a remedy. If you have a mantra or chant you want to say to yourself to help you concentrate, please feel free to use it. By developing concentration, you will begin to quiet the chatter in your mind and tune in to your breath. We can foster this mind-body connection by setting an intention whenever you meditate, making it purposeful and focused. From here, we move to warm-up with spine balance poses and sun salutations. This sets the tone of the class as we slip into a moving meditation. Next, a couple of gentle twist asanas to detox and find stability with deep stretches. Maintaining solid balance is important, especially, as we age. In balance poses, we get to strengthen leg and core muscles, increase joint stabilization, and maintain a strong center of gravity.

We will continue with Restorative Yoga, a therapeutic yoga that helps to heal the body from chronic stress. It is said to lessen the inflammation of tissues and restores equilibrium in our body. We will end the practice with Savasana, a final resting posture.

After attending my presentation, I am confident that you will leave with appreciation for this scientifically- proven,ancient art feeling uplifted and vibrant. You may also experience enhanced self-esteem and undergo personal transformation.

Summit on Promoting Well-being and Resilience in Healthcare Professionals

Oct. 21-23